An Aeration system is used in ponds and lakes and what is essential increase the dissolved oxygen content of the water throughout the lake and pond. This aeration can be done several ways: by injecting pure oxygen, mechanically agitating or mixing the water, or injecting air. An aeration system is usually in the form of a fountain that is in the middle of the lake or pond.
Some of the benefits that come with Aeration is the increase of wildlife that inhabits in body of water as well as water quality, abundance of oxygen, reduced sludge accumulation, and clear water.
Floating Islands
Floating islands create a “Wet Land” effect within the water body. That is, a life support system for microbes that eat nutrients. Circulation and surface area is required to support the maximum amount of microbes as well as moving the maximum volume of water past the microbes.
In addition, a floating island offers a food source for fish plus a safe haven for fish & birds. Floating islands are also use to mitigate flooding, purifying water and maintaing flora and fauna diversity.
Fogging System
Fogging mist systems generally are used to maintain proper moisture and consistent humidity from greenhouses to amusement parks and lakes to accentuate your water feature with a unique aesthetic and cooling experince. It is also used to maintain the vegetation that surrounds the lake and to keep circulating the oxygen within the body of water.